Serum uromodulin is associated with urinary albumin excretion in adolescents
with type 1 diabetes.
Authors Wiromrat P, Bjornstad P, Roncal C, Pyle L, Johnson RJ, Cherney DZ, Lipina T,
Bishop F, Maahs DM, Wadwa RP
Submitted By Petter Bjornstad on 8/19/2019
Status Published
Journal Journal of diabetes and its complications
Year 2019
Date Published 9/1/2019
Volume : Pages 33 : 648 - 650
PubMed Reference 31253490
Abstract Early diabetic kidney disease (DKD) occurs in adolescents with type 1 diabetes
(T1D). Lower serum uromodulin (SUMOD) predicts DKD progression in adults with
T1D. In this study, we demonstrate that lower SUMOD is associated with urinary
albumin excretion in adolescents with T1D, suggesting a potential relationship
between SUMOD and early kidney dysfunction in T1D youth.
