Mice with cardiac overexpression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ?
have impaired repolarization and spontaneous fatal ventricular arrhythmias.
Authors Morrow JP, Katchman A, Son NH, Trent CM, Khan R, Shiomi T, Huang H, Amin V,
Lader JM, Vasquez C, Morley GE, D'Armiento J, Homma S, Goldberg IJ, Marx SO
Submitted By Ira Goldberg on 2/22/2012
Status Published
Journal Circulation
Year 2011
Date Published 12/20/2011
Volume : Pages 124 : 2812 - 2821
PubMed Reference 22124376
Abstract Diabetes mellitus and obesity, which confer an increased risk of sudden cardiac
death, are associated with cardiomyocyte lipid accumulation and altered cardiac
electric properties, manifested by prolongation of the QRS duration and QT
interval. It is difficult to distinguish the contribution of cardiomyocyte lipid
accumulation from the contribution of global metabolic defects to the increased
incidence of sudden death and electric abnormalities.

Investigators with authorship
Ira GoldbergNew York University School of Medicine
