Role of reactive oxygen species in hyperadrenergic hypertension: biochemical,
physiological, and pharmacological evidence from targeted ablation of the
chromogranin a (Chga) gene.
Authors Gayen JR, Zhang K, RamachandraRao SP, Mahata M, Chen Y, Kim HS, Naviaux RK,
Sharma K, Mahata SK, O'Connor DT
Submitted By Kumar Sharma on 5/2/2011
Status Published
Journal Circulation. Cardiovascular genetics
Year 2010
Date Published 10/1/2010
Volume : Pages 3 : 414 - 425
PubMed Reference 20729505
Abstract Oxidative stress, an excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
outstripping antioxidant defense mechanisms, occurs in cardiovascular
pathologies, including hypertension. In the present study, we used biochemical,
physiological, and pharmacological approaches to explore the role of
derangements of catecholamines, ROS, and the endothelium-derived relaxing factor
nitric oxide (NO(•)) in the development of a hyperadrenergic model of hereditary
hypertension: targeted ablation (knockout [KO]) of chromogranin A (Chga) in the

Investigators with authorship
Kumar SharmaUniversity of California San Diego
