Pparg-P465L mutation worsens hyperglycemia in Ins2-Akita female mice via
adipose-specific insulin resistance and storage dysfunction.
Authors Pendse AA, Johnson LA, Tsai YS, Maeda N
Submitted By Nobuyo Maeda on 5/2/2011
Status Published
Journal Diabetes
Year 2010
Date Published 11/1/2010
Volume : Pages 59 : 2890 - 2897
PubMed Reference 20724579
Abstract The dominant-negative P467L mutation in peroxisome proliferator activated
receptor-? (PPAR?) was identified in insulin-resistant patients with
hyperglycemia and lipodystrophy. In contrast, mice carrying the corresponding
Pparg-P465L mutation have normal insulin sensitivity, with mild
hyperinsulinemia. We hypothesized that murine Pparg-P465L mutation leads to
covert insulin resistance, which is masked by hyperinsulinemia and increased
pancreatic islet mass, to retain normal plasma glucose.

Investigators with authorship
Nobuyo MaedaUniversity of North Carolina
