Temperature mapping near the surface of ultrasound transducers using
susceptibility- compensated magnetic resonance imaging.
Authors Webb AG, Neuberger T, Park EJ, Smith N
Submitted By Nadine Smith on 3/31/2010
Status Published
Journal IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control
Year 2009
Date Published 6/1/2009
Volume : Pages 56 : 1145 - 1150
PubMed Reference 19574122
Abstract Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based temperature mapping very close to the
surface of an ultrasound transducer is not possible due to the large magnetic
susceptibility- induced image artifacts that arise from the materials used in
transducer construction. Here, it is shown in phantoms that
"susceptibility-compensated" MRI sequences can be used to measure thermal
increases approximately 1 mm from the surface of a 4-element cymbal array
transducer, which has been used widely for noninvasive transdermal drug
delivery. The estimated temperatures agree well with those measured using

Investigators with authorship
Nadine SmithPennsylvania State University-Penn State Main Campus
