Quantitative analysis of peristaltic and segmental motion in vivo in the rat
small intestine using dynamic MRI.
Authors Ailiani AC, Neuberger T, Brasseur JG, Banco G, Wang Y, Smith NB, Webb AG
Submitted By Nadine Smith on 3/31/2010
Status Published
Journal Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Year 2009
Date Published 5/14/2009
Volume : Pages 62 : 116 - 126
PubMed Reference 19353667
Abstract Conventional methods of quantifying segmental and peristaltic motion in animal
models are highly invasive; involving, for example, the external isolation of
segments of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract either from dead or anesthetized
animals. The present study was undertaken to determine the utility of MRI to
quantitatively analyze these motions in the jejunum region of anesthetized rats
(N = 6) noninvasively. Dynamic images of the GI tract after oral gavage with a
Gd contrast agent were acquired at a rate of six frames per second, followed by
image segmentation based on a combination of three-dimensional live wire (3D LW)
and directional dynamic gradient vector flow snakes (DDGVFS). Quantitative
analysis of the variation in diameter at a fixed constricting location showed
clear indications of both segmental and peristaltic motions. Quantitative
analysis of the frequency response gave results in good agreement with those
acquired in previous studies using invasive measurement techniques. Principal
component analysis (PCA) of the segmented data using active shape models
resulted in three major modes. The individual modes revealed unique spatial
patterns for peristaltic and segmental motility.

Investigators with authorship
Nadine SmithPennsylvania State University-Penn State Main Campus
