Transgenic overexpression of mitofilin attenuates diabetes mellitus-associated
cardiac and mitochondria dysfunction.
Authors Thapa D, Nichols CE, Lewis SE, Shepherd DL, Jagannathan R, Croston TL, Tveter
KJ, Holden AA, Baseler WA, Hollander JM
Submitted By John Hollander on 5/10/2015
Status Published
Journal Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology
Year 2015
Date Published 2/1/2015
Volume : Pages 79 : 212 - 223
PubMed Reference 25463274
Abstract Mitofilin, also known as heart muscle protein, is an inner mitochondrial
membrane structural protein that plays a central role in maintaining cristae
morphology and structure. It is a critical component of the mitochondrial
contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS) complex which is important
for mitochondrial architecture and cristae morphology. Our laboratory has
previously reported alterations in mitochondrial morphology and proteomic
make-up during type 1 diabetes mellitus, with mitofilin being significantly
down-regulated in interfibrillar mitochondria (IFM). The goal of this study was
to investigate whether overexpression of mitofilin can limit mitochondrial
disruption associated with the diabetic heart through restoration of
mitochondrial morphology and function. A transgenic mouse line overexpressing
mitofilin was generated and mice injected intraperitoneally with streptozotocin
using a multi low-dose approach. Five weeks following diabetes mellitus onset,
cardiac contractile function was assessed. Restoration of ejection fraction and
fractional shortening was observed in mitofilin diabetic mice as compared to
wild-type controls (P<0.05 for both). Decrements observed in electron transport
chain (ETC) complex I, III, IV and V activities, state 3 respiration, lipid
peroxidation as well as mitochondria membrane potential in type 1 diabetic IFM
were restored in mitofilin diabetic mice (P<0.05 for all). Qualitative analyses
of electron micrographs revealed restoration of mitochondrial cristae structure
in mitofilin diabetic mice as compared to wild-type controls. Furthermore,
measurement of mitochondrial internal complexity using flow cytometry displayed
significant reduction in internal complexity in diabetic IFM which was restored
in mitofilin diabetic IFM (P<0.05). Taken together these results suggest that
transgenic overexpression of mitofilin preserves mitochondrial structure,
leading to restoration of mitochondrial function and attenuation of cardiac
contractile dysfunction in the diabetic heart.

Investigators with authorship
John HollanderWest Virginia University
