Lipolysis, and Not Hepatic Lipogenesis, Is the Primary Modulator of Triglyceride
Levels in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice.
Authors Willecke F, Scerbo D, Nagareddy P, Obunike JC, Barrett TJ, Abdillahi ML, Trent
CM, Huggins LA, Fisher EA, Drosatos K, Goldberg IJ
Submitted By Ira Goldberg on 12/8/2014
Status Published
Journal Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology
Year 2014
Date Published 11/13/2014
Volume : Pages 35 : 102 - 110
PubMed Reference 25395613
Abstract Diabetic hypertriglyceridemia is thought to be primarily driven by increased
hepatic de novo lipogenesis. However, experiments in animal models indicated
that insulin deficiency should decrease hepatic de novo lipogenesis and reduce
plasma triglyceride levels.

Investigators with authorship
Edward FisherNew York University School of Medicine
Ira GoldbergNew York University School of Medicine
