Diabetic Vascular Disease. An Experimental Objective
Authors Ira J. Goldberg and Hayes M. Dansky
Submitted By Ira Goldberg on 7/7/2006
Status Published
Journal Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology
Year 2006
Date Published 8/1/2006
Volume : Pages 26 : 1693 - 1701
PubMed Reference 16763160
Abstract It is well known that humans with diabetes have more atherosclerosis and its
complications. The causes of this relationship are, however, unclear. Although
recent data show that improved glycemic control reduces arterial disease in type
1 diabetes, other studies have shown that subjects with “prediabetes” have more
cardiovascular disease before the development of hyperglycemia. Thus, either
hyperglycemia and/or lack of insulin actions are toxic to arteries, or metabolic
derangements exclusive of hyperglycemia are atherogenic. For 50 years animal
models of diabetes and atherosclerosis have been used to uncover potential
mechanisms underlying diabetes associated cardiovascular disease. Surprisingly,
diabetes alone increases vascular disease in only a few select animal models.
Increased atherosclerosis has been found in several animals and lines of
genetically modified mice; however, diabetes often also leads to greater
hyperlipidemia. This makes it difficult to separate the toxic effects of insulin
lack and/or hyperglycemia from those caused by the lipids. These studies are
reviewed, as well as more recent investigations using new methods to create
diabetic-atherosclerotic models.

Investigators with authorship
Hayes DanskyColumbia University
Ira GoldbergNew York University School of Medicine
