Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord during sensory
stimulation in diabetic rats.
Authors Malisza KL, Jones C, Gruwel ML, Foreman D, Fernyhough P, Calcutt NA
Submitted By Nigel Calcutt on 4/15/2014
Status Published
Journal Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI
Year 2009
Date Published 8/1/2009
Volume : Pages 30 : 271 - 276
PubMed Reference 19629995
Abstract To determine if differences exist between control and diabetic rats in
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activity of the spinal cord and if
fMRI can provide a means of early detection of diabetic neuropathy.

Investigators with authorship
Nigel CalcuttUniversity of California San Diego
