Lipids and the endothelium: bidirectional interactions.
Authors Goldberg IJ, Bornfeldt KE
Submitted By Submitted Externally on 4/15/2014
Status Published
Journal Current atherosclerosis reports
Year 2013
Date Published 11/1/2013
Volume : Pages 15 : 365
PubMed Reference 24037142
Abstract The endothelium is often viewed solely as the barrier that prevents the
penetration of circulating lipoproteins into the arterial wall. However, recent
research has demonstrated that the endothelium has an important part in
regulating circulating fatty acids and lipoproteins, and is in turn affected by
these lipids/lipoproteins in ways that appear to have important repercussions
for atherosclerosis. Thus, a number of potentially toxic lipids are produced
during lipolysis of lipoproteins at the endothelial cell surface. Catabolism of
triglyceride-rich lipoproteins creates free fatty acids that are readily taken
up by endothelial cells, and, likely through the action of acyl-CoA synthetases,
exacerbate inflammatory processes. In this article, we review how the
endothelium participates in lipoprotein metabolism, how lipids alter endothelial
functions, and how lipids are internalized, processed, and transported into the
subendothelial space. Finally, we address the many endothelial changes that
might promote atherogenesis, especially in the setting of diabetes.

Investigators with authorship
Ira GoldbergNew York University School of Medicine
