Diabetic cardiovascular disease: getting to the heart of the matter.
Authors Peterson LR, McKenzie CR, Schaffer JE
Submitted By Jean Schaffer on 3/17/2014
Status Published
Journal Journal of cardiovascular translational research
Year 2012
Date Published 8/1/2012
Volume : Pages 5 : 436 - 445
PubMed Reference 22639341
Abstract Diabetes is a major risk factor for heart disease, and heart disease is
responsible for substantial morbidity and mortality among people living with
diabetes. The diabetic metabolic milieu predisposes to aggressive obstructive
coronary artery disease that causes heart attacks, heart failure, and death.
Furthermore, diabetes can be associated with heart failure, independent of
underlying coronary artery disease, hypertension, or valve abnormalities. The
pathogenesis of the vascular and myocardial complications of diabetes is, as
yet, incompletely understood. Although a number of medical and surgical
approaches can improve outcomes in diabetic patients with cardiovascular
disease, much remains to be learned in order to optimize approaches to these
critical complications.

Investigators with authorship
Jean SchafferWashington University in St Louis
