Lipid metabolism and toxicity in the heart.
Authors Goldberg IJ, Trent CM, Schulze PC
Submitted By Ira Goldberg on 10/31/2012
Status Published
Journal Cell Metabolism
Year 2012
Date Published 6/6/2012
Volume : Pages 15 : 805 - 812
PubMed Reference 22682221
Abstract The heart has both the greatest caloric needs and the most robust oxidation of
fatty acids (FAs). Under pathological conditions such as obesity and type 2
diabetes, cardiac uptake and oxidation are not balanced and hearts accumulate
lipid potentially leading to cardiac lipotoxicity. We will first review the
pathways utilized by the heart to acquire FAs from the circulation and to store
triglyceride intracellularly. Then we will describe mouse models in which excess
lipid accumulation causes heart dysfunction and experiments performed to
alleviate this toxicity. Finally, the known relationships between heart lipid
metabolism and dysfunction in humans will be summarized.

Investigators with authorship
Ira GoldbergNew York University School of Medicine
