Joshua Stern

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Title Associate Professor
Expertise Uropathy
Institution Albert Einstein College of Medicine
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Progress Reports 1
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Committees 2

Can the Gut Microbiome Influence Urinary Stone Disease in the Diabetic Population
Compelling evidence suggests that diabetes increases the risk of developing KSD. There is emerging data that suggests DM2 patients may have a unique GMB. Identification of unique gut microbial variations among DM2 patients with kidney stones could allow for a more personalized approach to kidney stone care. Given the strong association between the GMB and DM2 and the increased risk of KSD seen in diabetes patients, it is worthwhile to examine whether the GMB differs among diabetic stone formers and diabetic non-stone formers. If such a difference were identified, it would be a first step in unraveling why some diabetic patients develop kidney stones rather then others. 24-hour urine parameters are an intermediate end point to measure kidney stone risk—a proxy for kidney stone risk. We have shown that the GMB can influence urine chemistry. If changes in urinary stone parameters can be evoked with fecal transplant in a DM2 model, this could represent a first step in learning how to use the GMB to manipulate stone risk in a diabetic population. By attaching a human case control study to an animal model of fecal transplant we combine the capacity to take observational data, ie that of the human study, and test it in an animal model The

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